The terms `API` (Application Programming Interface) and `Endpoint` are used somewhat interchangeablyMore...
- Get API Info (root)
The thing that tokens of value (money) come in and out of. An account has one or more `owners` whichMore...
- Create Account
- Create View
- Get Account by Id (Core)
- Get Account by Id (Full)
- Get Accounts at Bank
- Get Accounts at Bank (Private)
- Get Accounts at all Banks (Private)
- Get all Accounts at all Banks
- Get private accounts at one bank
- Update Account Label
- Update View
A Bank (aka Space) represents a financial institution, brand or organizational unit under which resMore...
- Get Bank
- Get Bank ATMS
- Get Bank Products
- Get Banks
- Get Transaction Types at Bank
Counterparty Metadata
- Add Corporate Location to Counterparty
- Add Counterparty More Info
- Add Open Corporates URL to Counterparty
- Add image url to other bank account
- Add physical location to other bank account
- Add public alias to other bank account
- Add url to other bank account
- Create Other Account Private Alias
- Delete Counterparty Corporate Location
- Delete Counterparty Image URL
- Delete Counterparty Open Corporates URL
- Delete Counterparty Physical Location
- Delete Counterparty Private Alias
- Delete Counterparty Public Alias
- Delete more info of other bank account
- Delete url of other bank account
- Get Other Account Metadata
- Get Other Account Private Alias
- Get public alias of other bank account
- Update Counterparty Corporate Location
- Update Counterparty Image Url
- Update Counterparty More Info
- Update Counterparty Physical Location
- Update Counterparty Private Alias
- Update Open Corporates Url of Counterparty
- Update public alias of other bank account
- Update url of other bank account
The legal entity that has the relationship to the bank. Customers are linked to Users via `User CusMore...
- Create Customer
- Create Customer Social Media Handle
- Create User Customer Link
- Get CRM Events
- Get Customer Social Media Handles
- Get customer for logged in user
Transactions are records of successful movements of value into or out of an `Account`. OBP TransacMore...
- Get Other Account of Transaction
- Get Transaction by Id
- Get Transactions for Account (Core)
- Get Transactions for Account (Full)
Transaction Metadata
- Add a Transaction Comment
- Add a Transaction Image
- Add a Transaction Narrative
- Add a Transaction Tag
- Add a Transaction where Tag
- Delete a Transaction Comment
- Delete a Transaction Image
- Delete a Transaction Narrative
- Delete a Transaction Tag
- Delete a Transaction Tag
- Get Transaction Comments
- Get Transaction Images
- Get Transaction Tags
- Get a Transaction Narrative
- Get a Transaction where Tag
- Update a Transaction Narrative
- Update a Transaction where Tag
The entity that accesses the API with a login / authorisation token and has access to zero or moreMore...
- Create User
- Get User (Current)
- Get Users by Email Address
Create Account
Create View
Get Account by Id (Core)
Get Account by Id (Full)
Get Accounts at Bank
Get Accounts at Bank (Private)
Get Accounts at all Banks (Private)
Get all Accounts at all Banks
Get private accounts at one bank
Update Account Label
Update View
Create Account
Account Public
Counterparty Metadata
Add Corporate Location to Counterparty
Add Counterparty More Info
Add Open Corporates URL to Counterparty
Add image url to other bank account
Add physical location to other bank account
Add public alias to other bank account
Add url to other bank account
Create Other Account Private Alias
Delete Counterparty Corporate Location
Delete Counterparty Image URL
Delete Counterparty Open Corporates URL
Delete Counterparty Physical Location
Delete Counterparty Private Alias
Delete Counterparty Public Alias
Delete more info of other bank account
Delete url of other bank account
Get Other Account Metadata
Get Other Account Private Alias
Get public alias of other bank account
Update Counterparty Corporate Location
Update Counterparty Image Url
Update Counterparty More Info
Update Counterparty Physical Location
Update Counterparty Private Alias
Update Open Corporates Url of Counterparty
Update public alias of other bank account
Update url of other bank account
Add Corporate Location to Counterparty
Create Customer
Create Customer Social Media Handle
Create User Customer Link
Get CRM Events
Get Customer Social Media Handles
Get customer for logged in user
Create Customer
Customer Message
Data Warehouse
Dynamic Resource Doc
Add KYC Check
Add KYC Document
Add KYC Media
Add KYC Status
Get Customer KYC Checks
Get Customer KYC Documents
Get Customer KYC statuses
Get KYC Media for a customer
Add KYC Check
Get Other Account of Transaction
Get Transaction by Id
Get Transactions for Account (Core)
Get Transactions for Account (Full)
Get Other Account of Transaction
Transaction Metadata
Add a Transaction Comment
Add a Transaction Image
Add a Transaction Narrative
Add a Transaction Tag
Add a Transaction where Tag
Delete a Transaction Comment
Delete a Transaction Image
Delete a Transaction Narrative
Delete a Transaction Tag
Delete a Transaction Tag
Get Transaction Comments
Get Transaction Images
Get Transaction Tags
Get a Transaction Narrative
Get a Transaction where Tag
Update a Transaction Narrative
Update a Transaction where Tag
Add a Transaction Comment
Transaction Request
View Custom
Delete Custom View
Get Account access for User
Get Views for Account
Get access
Grant User access to View
Grant User access to a list of views
Revoke access to all Views on Account
Revoke access to one View
Delete Custom View
v2.0.0 (112 APIs)
Create Account
Create Account at bank specified by BANK_ID with Id specified by ACCOUNT_ID.
The User can create an Account for themself or an Account for another User if they have CanCreateAccount role.
If USER_ID is not specified the account will be owned by the logged in User.
TYPE SHOULD be the PRODUCT_CODE from Product.
Note: The Amount must be zero.
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
URL Parameters:
ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0
BANK_ID: gh.29.uk
JSON response body fields:
_links: _links
bank_id: gh.29.uk
id: d8839721-ad8f-45dd-9f78-2080414b93f9
label: My Account
- Please login to request this Role
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
- OBP-30107: Invalid User Id.
- OBP-30110: Invalid Account Id. The ACCOUNT_ID should only contain 0-9/a-z/A-Z/'-'/'.'/'_', the length should be smaller than 255.
- OBP-30111: Invalid Bank Id. The BANK_ID should only contain 0-9/a-z/A-Z/'-'/'.'/'_', the length should be smaller than 255.
- OBP-20005: User not found. Please specify a valid value for USER_ID.
- OBP-30106: Invalid Balance Amount.
- OBP-30108: Invalid Account Type.
- OBP-30112: Invalid Number. Initial balance must be a number, e.g 1000.00
- OBP-30105: Invalid Balance Currency.
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
- OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
Create View
Create a view on bank account
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated. and the user needs to have access to the owner view.
The 'alias' field in the JSON can take one of three values:
- public: to use the public alias if there is one specified for the other account.
- private: to use the private alias if there is one specified for the other account.
''(empty string): to use no alias; the view shows the real name of the other account.
The 'hide_metadata_if_alias_used' field in the JSON can take boolean values. If it is set to true
and there is an alias on the other account then the other accounts' metadata (like more_info, url, image_url, open_corporates_url, etc.) will be hidden. Otherwise the metadata will be shown.
The 'allowed_actions' field is a list containing the name of the actions allowed on this view, all the actions contained will be set to true
on the view creation, the rest will be set to false
URL Parameters:
ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0
BANK_ID: gh.29.uk
JSON request body fields:
description: Description of the object. Maximum length is 2000. It can be any characters here.
hide_metadata_if_alias_used: false
is_public: false
which_alias_to_use: public
JSON response body fields:
can_add_image_url: false
can_add_more_info: false
can_add_tag: false
can_delete_corporate_location: false
can_delete_image: false
can_delete_where_tag: false
can_edit_owner_comment: false
can_see_bank_account_bank_name: false
can_see_bank_account_label: false
can_see_bank_account_number: false
can_see_bank_account_owners: false
can_see_corporate_location: false
can_see_image_url: false
can_see_images: false
can_see_other_account_national_identifier: false
can_see_other_account_number: false
can_see_other_account_swift_bic: false
can_see_transaction_amount: false
can_see_transaction_description: false
can_see_url: false
can_see_where_tag: false
description: Description of the object. Maximum length is 2000. It can be any characters here.
hide_metadata_if_alias_used: false
id: d8839721-ad8f-45dd-9f78-2080414b93f9
is_public: false
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
- OBP-30018: Bank Account not found. Please specify valid values for BANK_ID and ACCOUNT_ID.
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
- user does not have owner access
Get Account by Id (Core)
Information returned about the account specified by ACCOUNT_ID:
- Number
- Owners
- Type
- Balance
This call returns the owner view and requires access to that view.
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
URL Parameters:
ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0
BANK_ID: gh.29.uk
JSON response body fields:
IBAN: DE91 1000 0000 0123 4567 89
amount: 10.12
balance: 10
bank_id: gh.29.uk
currency: EUR
id: d8839721-ad8f-45dd-9f78-2080414b93f9
label: My Account
provider: ETHEREUM
scheme: OBP
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-30018: Bank Account not found. Please specify valid values for BANK_ID and ACCOUNT_ID.
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
Get Account by Id (Full)
Information returned about an account specified by ACCOUNT_ID as moderated by the view (VIEW_ID):
- Number
- Owners
- Type
- Balance
- Available views (sorted by short_name)
More details about the data moderation by the view here.
PSD2 Context: PSD2 requires customers to have access to their account information via third party applications.
This call provides balance and other account information via delegated authentication using OAuth.
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated. if the 'is_public' field in view (VIEW_ID) is not set to true
URL Parameters:
ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0
BANK_ID: gh.29.uk
VIEW_ID: owner
JSON response body fields:
IBAN: DE91 1000 0000 0123 4567 89
amount: 10.12
balance: 10
bank_id: gh.29.uk
can_add_image_url: false
can_add_more_info: false
can_add_tag: false
can_delete_corporate_location: false
can_delete_image: false
can_delete_where_tag: false
can_edit_owner_comment: false
can_see_bank_account_bank_name: false
can_see_bank_account_label: false
can_see_bank_account_number: false
can_see_bank_account_owners: false
can_see_corporate_location: false
can_see_image_url: false
can_see_images: false
can_see_other_account_national_identifier: false
can_see_other_account_number: false
can_see_other_account_swift_bic: false
can_see_transaction_amount: false
can_see_transaction_description: false
can_see_url: false
can_see_where_tag: false
currency: EUR
description: Description of the object. Maximum length is 2000. It can be any characters here.
hide_metadata_if_alias_used: false
id: d8839721-ad8f-45dd-9f78-2080414b93f9
is_public: false
label: My Account
provider: ETHEREUM
scheme: OBP
"IBAN":"DE89 3704 0044 0532 0130 00",
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
- OBP-30003: Account not found. Please specify a valid value for ACCOUNT_ID.
- OBP-30005: View not found for Account. Please specify a valid value for VIEW_ID
- OBP-20017: Current user does not have access to the view. Please specify a valid value for VIEW_ID.
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
Get Accounts at Bank
Returns the list of accounts at BANK_ID that the user has access to.
For each account the API returns the account ID and the views available to the user..
Each account must have at least one private View.
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
URL Parameters:
BANK_ID: gh.29.uk
JSON response body fields:
bank_id: gh.29.uk
id: d8839721-ad8f-45dd-9f78-2080414b93f9
is_public: false
label: My Account
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
Get Accounts at Bank (Private)
Get private accounts at one bank (Authenticated access).
Returns the list of accounts containing private views for the user at BANK_ID.
For each account the API returns the ID and label. To also see the list of Views, see privateAccountsAtOneBank
This call MAY have an alias /bank/accounts but ONLY if defaultBank is set in Props
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
URL Parameters:
BANK_ID: gh.29.uk
JSON response body fields:
_links: _links
bank_id: gh.29.uk
id: d8839721-ad8f-45dd-9f78-2080414b93f9
label: My Account
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Get Accounts at all Banks (Private)
Get private accounts at all banks (Authenticated access)
Returns the list of accounts containing private views for the user at all banks.
For each account the API returns the ID and the available views.
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
JSON response body fields:
_links: _links
bank_id: gh.29.uk
id: d8839721-ad8f-45dd-9f78-2080414b93f9
label: My Account
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
Get all Accounts at all Banks
Get all accounts at all banks the User has access to.
Returns the list of accounts at that the user has access to at all banks.
For each account the API returns the account ID and the available views.
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
JSON response body fields:
bank_id: gh.29.uk
id: d8839721-ad8f-45dd-9f78-2080414b93f9
is_public: false
label: My Account
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Get private accounts at one bank
Returns the list of private accounts at BANK_ID that the user has access to.
For each account the API returns the ID and the available views.
If you want to see more information on the Views, use the Account Detail call.
If you want less information about the account, use the /my accounts call
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
URL Parameters:
BANK_ID: gh.29.uk
JSON response body fields:
bank_id: gh.29.uk
id: d8839721-ad8f-45dd-9f78-2080414b93f9
is_public: false
label: My Account
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Update Account Label
Update the label for the account. The label is how the account is known to the account owner e.g. 'My savings account'
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
URL Parameters:
ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0
BANK_ID: gh.29.uk
JSON request body fields:
bank_id: gh.29.uk
id: d8839721-ad8f-45dd-9f78-2080414b93f9
label: My Account
JSON response body fields:
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
- OBP-30018: Bank Account not found. Please specify valid values for BANK_ID and ACCOUNT_ID.
- user does not have access to owner view on account
Update View
Update an existing view on a bank account
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated. and the user needs to have access to the owner view.
The json sent is the same as during view creation (above), with one difference: the 'name' field
of a view is not editable (it is only set when a view is created)
URL Parameters:
ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0
BANK_ID: gh.29.uk
VIEW_ID: owner
JSON response body fields:
can_add_image_url: false
can_add_more_info: false
can_add_tag: false
can_delete_corporate_location: false
can_delete_image: false
can_delete_where_tag: false
can_edit_owner_comment: false
can_see_bank_account_bank_name: false
can_see_bank_account_label: false
can_see_bank_account_number: false
can_see_bank_account_owners: false
can_see_corporate_location: false
can_see_image_url: false
can_see_images: false
can_see_other_account_national_identifier: false
can_see_other_account_number: false
can_see_other_account_swift_bic: false
can_see_transaction_amount: false
can_see_transaction_description: false
can_see_url: false
can_see_where_tag: false
description: Description of the object. Maximum length is 2000. It can be any characters here.
hide_metadata_if_alias_used: false
id: d8839721-ad8f-45dd-9f78-2080414b93f9
is_public: false
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-30018: Bank Account not found. Please specify valid values for BANK_ID and ACCOUNT_ID.
- OBP-30005: View not found for Account. Please specify a valid value for VIEW_ID
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
- user does not have owner access